Wednesday, February 1, 2012

It begins!

Remember how one of my New Years Resolutions was to be a vegetarian for the month of February? Well, guess what? It is February already!

So Happy first day of vegetarian month!

(Also, happy birthday Meredith Lewis. I think. I randomly remember that this might be her birthday, and I think she reads this blog.)

To celebrate, tonight I am making one of Glenn's (and my) most favorite dinners, which also happens to be meat free. I'll probably post about it tomorrow. In fact, prepare yourself for more food posts in the next month, because I'm trying a lot of new things. I'm pretty excited!

P.s. My first book club meeting was last night and it was a huge success! Six girls came who had read the book, and we had a great conversation! Everyone liked the book and participated in the conversation. Also, everyone loved the brownies.

p.p.s I made tamales yesterday. They are delicious. I can't believe I didn't take a picture. There are about 25 left in the freezer, so maybe a picture later.


  1. good luck on your vegetarian month. You are such a good cook I bet all the meals will be awesome. Love You!

  2. I get to try some of your vegetarian food this weekend! Yay!

  3. Oh my goodness, you have such a good memory to remember my birthday! Thanks so much! Good luck this month.....and please post the recipes you love bc I have been wanting to try more vegetarian meals
