Thursday, April 4, 2013

Violet the Smarty-Pants Counts to Five

Before you watch the video, I should tell you that this was the first time I ever touched our new camera, so also the first video I ever took.  Therefore, there is plenty of "Afton figuring out how to use the camera" at the beginning and end of this video.  But there is also a lot of cuteness and smartness in between, courtesy of Violet!


  1. Super cute! Ruby watched it with me and giggled the whole time. Love her little voice!

  2. So smart! I also died over her voice.

  3. Oh my gosh!! Judson and I both clapped for her! I can't believe how smart she is! (just kidding I can she is so smart)

  4. That was a lot of cuteness - and I definitely clapped for her!
