Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Our last week in AZ - Part 1

We are back in California!  We are so happy to be back.  Life is easier and more fun when we are on vacation at our parents' house, but it is just so nice to have a routine.  To illustrate Violet's feelings about being back:  

Violet:  (first thing this morning) Grandma?  Grandpa???  GRANDMA?  GRANDPA?!
Me:  We came home to California!  Where do Grandma and Grandpa live?
Violet: Arizona.
Me:  Yeah! Where do we live?
Violet:  With Hannah and Sofia!

Haha, so although Violet misses her grandparents, she is also happy to be near Hannah and Sofia again.  We saw them at story time this morning, and she was delighted.  We also saw Elmo.  Can you believe I didn't take any pictures??

I have a few pictures left from our last week in AZ, and I meant to post them all today, but my flickr has run out of space for the month, so I will post them tomorrow when the new month starts.  Here are the ones I did get to upload:

Gardening with Grandma
They dug up potatoes and we cooked them for lunch!  Violet loved it.

Swim lessons
I know it's hard to believe after looking at those pictures, but Violet did about ten times better this time than she did last year.  She still cried right at the beginning, but then calmed down and answered Sister Hall's questions and did whatever she asked.  She even jumped (got dropped) off the diving board once and made her way to the wall!  It was a very stressful moment for Glenn and I to watch.


  1. Replies
    1. Ugh I can't believe I left that out! I meant, "Gardening with Grandma and the Best Dog Ever!!!"

  2. I am so impressed with her swimming skills! You mean after she got dropped in she bobbed back up and swam to the side by herself? Way to go Violet! I know what you mean about routine- it's nice to have fun, but these babes sure do thrive with routine. Kenny and I got to go get golfing lessons tonight and we brought Maggie, knowing it was going to be a late night for her and she did alright, but she was ready for her bed when we got home!

    1. Yeah, she got dropped in, and the teacher stayed up on the edge. She reached in and gave the back of Violet's head a push toward the wall to help her orient, and then Violet got to the wall and pulled her head above water using the wall.

      Maggie is cute and I love her.

  3. I think GRANDMA should be capitalized and Bruce should be lower case :)
