Are you ready to find out what was in this mysterious bag?:
Here is the story:
When Glenn worked at Bookman's, he could buy me practically any book I wanted as soon as I asked for practically nothing. So basically I was very spoiled obtaining-books-wise. We aren't really close to any Barnes and Nobles here, and books are so expensive there anyway! I have ordered a few books online since we've been here to keep me going, but that was getting old.
So I googled "secondhand bookstores downtown LA" and found the coolest place! It is called
and it was awesome! I am so mad at myself for not taking pictures while we were there. There was a giant sculpture hanging from the ceiling made from paperbacks. It didn't have as good of a selection as Bookman's, but it was a little cheaper (which is saying something, because Bookman's is cheap). I picked about ten books, but Glenn made me put some back. I got:
1. Matilda. I already read this one, and a lot of it I read aloud to Violet! She loved it! She really was fascinated by the pictures. I was reminded of how awesome this books is. Seriously, Roald Dahl is such a good writer.
(Glenn sneakily took this picture yesterday morning while I was reading to Violet)
2. Frankenstein. I am joining a bookclub! It is for the Pasadena ward that almost all the LDS dental students are in. I met one of the wives at an institute class and she invited me!
3. Eragon. I started this once and hated it, but lately people have been telling me they loved it, so I'm going to try again.
4. The Pearl. I have wanted to read this forever! And now I am taking a Pearl of Great Price institute class, and we talked about the scripture MATT. 13:46. And this scripture is totally what this book is about. So I finally got it, and I can't wait to read it.
We will definitely be back to THE LAST BOOKSTORE soon!