Thursday, December 15, 2011

Violet and Davi

I hope you aren't tired of posts involving solely pictures of Violet and Davi looking cute together! I'm back with another one. Already the girls seem so much older than last time we got them together, and that was only two weeks ago! Behold:
Last time we saw Davi she couldn't sit up at all, and now she is doing it practically by herself! They smiled a lot at each other and were just cute all around!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Bookmans! Bookmans! Bookmans!

One of the things I've missed the most about Arizona is Bookmans. Even finding The Last Bookstore did little to ease the longing. We went to Bookman's yesterday, and it was awesome!

We had lunch:
And although their cafe is smaller than it used to be, they blessedly still serve their heavenly pasta salad. It is SO GOOD!

And I found some books!
I had heard of Animal, Vegetable, Miracle and I was so excited when I found it. I've started it, and I love it so far. I will let you know how I like when I'm done. Just in case you are wondering, I did not blur out the title of the DVD because it is x-rated and therefore inappropriate for this blog. It is actually the Christmas present of one of the two avid readers of this blog.

Merry Christmas! I love Arizona!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


We are back in Arizona! Even though we were just here two weeks ago for Thanksgiving, it feels like we've been away for too long! We are here for almost three whole weeks, so we are settling in for some serious fun.

I plan on posting while we here, but we'll see how well that goes. I didn't post even once last time we were here! I'll do better this time!

Monday, December 12, 2011

I had a Party

Last Thursday, I had a party! I invited 8 girls from my ward, and it was a cookie exchange. Only one person that invited couldn't make it, and we had such a fun time! I was a little (a lot) nervous to have a party because I'm so new in the ward. But everyone just seemed really happy that there was going to be a party! I should have taken some pictures of every one there, but instead you just get to see the cookies:
Lest you think that someone brought a plate of pretzels and graham crackers as their cookie, I should tell you that that Is what I served with what I made.
Here is what I made:
Chocolate chip cookie dough dip! I have recently looked on Pinterest for the first time, and this is what I saw. I knew it would be perfect for my party, because gave a little variety to the table full of normal cookies. Later, Glenn and I ate it with apples, and that was definitely the best! But the pretzels were amazing too.

It was so fun preparing for this party. I got to use all my pretty things! I have some Christmas plates that I had never used before this party. I put out both my cake plates and two of my pretty pitchers and a table cloth I never use. Basically, the success of this party made me think I should have parties more often!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday Morning

A sweet naked Violet spent her morning reading the magazines with her dad:
Happy Weekend!

Friday, December 9, 2011

3 good things

1. I'm having a party! Today at 1 o'clock! It is a cookie exchange and I invited like 7 girls from my ward. So excited! I can't wait to show you what I'm making for it.

2. I'm reading a really good book. It is called Sister Carrie and it was recommended to me by Sister Courtney.

3. THREE DAYS til we go home to Arizona! And we'll be there for three weeks! It is going to be awesome.

What are three good things in your life today?

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Guess who got her shots today?
Miss Violet was so brave. She only cried for about five seconds after they finished giving the shots, and has acted fine and happy since! It is still so sad to watch her cry during the shots though. Good news though, Violet is average! 50th percentile in height and weight, that is. I'm so grateful for such a happy, healthy baby!
p.s. The doctor was totally charmed by her.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Violet Sits

As you can see in this picture:
and this one:
Violet sits up now! She LOVES it, but unfortunately is not great at it yet. If fact, as soon as something catches her eye that is not directly in front of her, she usually ends up in this position:
If fact, in church on Sunday we were letting her sit on the floor by our feet, and we were TOTALLy watching her, but she sneakily tipped over and hit her face on the chair. And has a teeny, tiny shiner. She only cried for like one minute and then fell asleep, and hasn't noticed the bruise since, so I'm pretty sure she is fine!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Some Harry Potter Thoughts


1. This weekend on ABC Family they played the Harry Potters movies over and over again. We ended up watching parts of every movie, I think. And they were the extended versions so there were parts I'd never seen before! I was reminded that Hermione was a way better actor in the early movies (in Glenn's words, "so spunky!") and that the sixth movie doesn't follow the book at all. That scene where Ginny and Harry kiss in the Room of Hidden Things? I hate it so much I want to throw something at the TV. However, I enjoyed the earlier movies a lot, and realized I haven't read those first three books in ages. We actually don't even own them! I'm definitely going to need to get those soon and reread them.

2. Pottermore. Is anyone else really excited for it to finally be up and running? And not really understand what it is, but still excited? And wondering what a "beta-user" is and why there are one million of them for Pottermore and I am not one of them?

3. Steven King is smart:
Harry Potter vs. Twilight - Stephen King Quote
4. I really, really want this t-shirt:

5. Oh yeah, one last thing about the movies. In #4, Cedric doesn't really act creepy at all. Why couldn't he act that way in Twilight?

Monday, December 5, 2011

More Christmas Deco

I love to make paper snowflakes! Like I make them every year. I think maybe next year Violet can help me make them! Or at least be interested when I unfold them and show her how pretty they are.
Our house is looking a little more festive every day!

In other news, I think I found the dress I'm going to wear to Courtney's wedding. I just called J Crew, and they are holding it for me to come try on. Here it is:
I'm going to get it in red though. And I definitely won't look like that girl in it. Also, dresses with pockets are the best!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Phone Pics

Violet and Food.

Those are apparently the only things I take pictures of with my phone. Today I will share with you the phones pics that have never made it into a post:
I left out the really pointless pictures. Like about 15 closeups of Violet.